News and Announcements

Prof. David L. Woodruff has been named to the 2024 class of INFORMS Fellows. Join us in celebrating this accomplishment!
We are excited to add Prof. Isaac Kim of the Department of Computer Science as the newest member of GGAM! Prof. Kim works in the field of Quantum Information and Quantum Computation, with a research goal in understanding fundamental aspects of quantum entanglement that appear in nature.
We are excited to add Prof. Qijia Jiang of the Department of Statistics as the newest member of GGAM! Some of Prof. Jiang's current research topics include the connection between optimization, MCMC sampling, dynamical system, and interacting particle system.
We are excited to add Prof. Jasper Lee of the Department of Computer Science as the newest member of GGAM! Prof. Lee's research includes theoretical computer science, applied probability, and statistics.
We are excited to add Prof. Abi Gopal of the Department of Mathematics as the newest member of GGAM! His research is in numerical analysis & scientific computing, particularly the numerical solution of partial differential equations & numerical linear algebra.
We are excited to announce former GGAM student Jianxian Li as a 2024 ICS Prize Winner!
Join us in celebrating Krishnakumar Balasubramanian as an ICS Prize winner!
Join us in celebrating Camille Korbut as a 2024 HSF Scholar!

Upcoming Seminars

Wed, Jan 22, 4:10PM - MSB 1147
Special : Suzanne Sindi, UC Merced
Harnessing Mathematical Models to Unravel Biological Mysteries: Insights from Protein Misfolding and Coagulation Disorders

Thu, Jan 23, 1:10PM - 923 5325 1402 zoom
Alg. Geometry : Brendon Rhoades, UCSD
Superspace coinvariants and hyperplane arrangements

Thu, Jan 23, 2:49PM - MSB 2112
Alg. Geometry : Brendon Rhoades, UCSD

Thu, Jan 23, 4:10PM - Zoom
Applied & PDEs : Kris Jenssen, Penn St.
Amplitude Blowup without Shock Formation in Compressible Euler flow

Mon, Jan 27, 4:10PM - MSB 2112
Math Bio. : Alla Borisyuk, University of Utah
The Effects of Astrocytes in Neuronal Networks

Tue, Jan 28, 2:10PM - MSB 1147
Disc. Math : Denae Ventura Arredondo, UC Davis
Colorings of [1,…,n] with Few Monochromatic Solutions in 3-variable Linear Homogeneous Equations

...more seminars