Becoming a GGAM Faculty Member

UC Davis faculty who wish to participate in GGAM, in particular to be the adviser of graduate students in Applied Mathematics, can apply for membership in GGAM.

  • GGAM Faculty Membership application: HERE.

ARTICLE II. MEMBERSHIP (excerpt from our bylaws regarding membership)

A. Membership in the Group shall be open to those persons who have an active commitment to graduate education in mathematical research and who are qualified to supervise graduate students based on demonstrated expertise and research interests in the field. Members must hold a professorial appointment in Academic Senate titles or as an Adjunct Professor in accord with Graduate Council guidelines ( . The normal criteria to be applied in appraising the qualifications of prospective members of the Graduate Group in Applied Mathematics include:

(1) The existence of a history of demonstrated interest in mathematical research, either in theoretical or in applied areas.

(2) Interest and ability in participating in the formulation, maintenance, and administration of graduate programs in Applied Mathematics leading to the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees.

(3) Interest and ability in teaching courses in the graduate Applied Mathematics curriculum.

(4) Interest and ability in advising students seeking graduate degrees in Applied Mathematics or students wishing to develop a "minor" program in Applied Mathematics while pursuing a graduate degree in another discipline.

(5) Interest and ability in supervising the research of graduate students through membership, as Chair or otherwise, on committees overseeing master's theses or doctoral dissertations in Applied Mathematics.

Individuals who feel they can contribute to the Graduate Group in Applied Mathematics through activities such as those mentioned above may apply for membership to the Executive Committee of the Group. Admission to the Group is by majority vote of the Executive Committee. Here and elsewhere in these Bylaws majority means any number strictly greater than one half times the number of the those eligible to vote.